A community-based outreach project linking art, humanity and culture


Stamping Project | 印章行动

希望通过这种[Stamping Project]“印章行动”作为一个“身体的延伸”,而
身体是一种社会现象,我们的体现(body image)不是对立的,是此终与别人的体现相随的,(Helan Lyand)海伦。林德,所做的延伸:『一个人对自己身体的关照,有助于他对世界的关照,对世界的关照也会影响一个人对自己的身体的关照,二者都极为重要』。追跟究低,生於斯长於斯的,那个大环境,根本就是一群人身体存在延伸,在形塑这一群人性格,历史,道德与生活方式。

Hope that through this [Stamping Project] as a "body extension", while the body is a social phenomenon, our expression (body image) is not opposite to the end of this embodiment of the attendant with others, (Helan Lyand) Helen. Lindh, the extension made: a man, take care of their own bodies, help him take care of the world, the world will also affect the care of a person's care of their bodies, both are extremely important. chase study with low born and bred, the environment, there is a group of people there is an extension of the body, a group of people in shaping the character, history, morality and lifestyle.
