劉德梁 | Liew Teck Leong
Installation and Performance artist.
作品介紹 | Artwork description:
印章計划( 二 ) | Stamping Project 2
希望通過這种[Stamping Project]“印章行動”作為一個“身体的延伸”,而身体是一种社會現象,我們的体現(body image)不是對立的,是始終与別人的体現相隨的。海倫林德(Helen Lynd)所做的延伸:『一個人對自己身体的關照,有助于他對世界的關照,對世界的關照也會影響一個人對自己的身体的關照,二者都极為重要』。追跟究低,生於斯長於斯的,那個大環境,根本就是一群人身体存在延伸,在形塑這一群人性格,歷史,道德与生活方式。
We hope that this [Stamping Project] would serve as a “body extension" for the masses. The body is a social phenomenon while our expression (body image) is not in conflict with others but in harmony with others. According to Helan Lyand idea of extension; "the way a man take cares of his own body is a direct extension of how he takes care of the world, while the way the world take care of him will affect the way he takes care of his own body. The two cannot be separated and are extremely important." At the end of the day, the environment is but an extension of a group of people, and is a collection of their characters, histories, moral values, and lifestyles.